21 Şubat 2025 Cuma




Ankara Üniversitesi


Centennial of the Young Turk Revolution

Siyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi





1908-2008 Centennial of the Young Turk Revolution

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The programme of the international congress entitled “1908–2008: Centennial of the Young Turk Revolution” commemorating the 100th anniversary of the II. Constitutional Period of the Ottoman Empire is finalised. The Congress will be hosted by The Faculty of Political Sciences of Ankara University in Ankara, during 28-30 May 2008 and the keynote speakers will be Halil Inalcik and Sina Aksin. Each session will be open to all auditors and simultaneous translation from Turkish to English and English to Turkish will be provided




28 Mayis 2008 Çarsamba/Wednesday

10:30–11:20 AÇILIS TÖRENI / Opening Ceremony


Oturum/Session 101




Ankara Üniversitesi Rektörü

The Rektor of Ankara University

Prof. Dr. Nusret Aras

Siyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi Dekani

The Dean of the Faculty of Political Science

Prof. Dr. Celal Göle

11:20–11:30 KAHVE ARASI / Coffee Break



Oturum/Session 102


Açilis Konusmacilari/Keynote Speakers

Halil Inalcik

Sina Aksin

12:30–13:30 ÖGLE ARASI / Lunch



Oturum/Session 103

BURJUVA DEVRIMI KAVRAMI / The Concept of Bourgeois Revolution

Erken Yirminci Yüzyil Devrimleri: Bazi Karsilastirmali Yorumlar

Early Twentieth Century Revolutions: Some Comparative Remarks

Kevin Anderson

Jön Türk Devrimi ve Komplo Teorileri

The Young Turk Revolution and Conspiracy Theories

Haluk Hepkon

Burjuva Devrimleri, Kapitalizm ve Demokrasi

Bourgeois Revolutions, Capitalism and Democracy

Duygu Türk

Burjuva Devrimleri Baglaminda “1908”e Yeni(den) Bir Bakis

A New Look at “1908” in the Context of Bourgeois Revolutions

Isaya Üsür


Oturum/Session 104

1908’IN ULUSLARARASI ETKILERI / The Echoes of 1908 in International Arena

ABD'nin II. Mesrutiyete Bakisi

The Approach of the US towards the Second Constitution

Cüneyt Akalin

1910 – 1914 yillari arasinda Ingiliz – Osmanli iliskileri

Anglo-Turkish Relations between 1910 – 1914

David Barchard

1908 Jön Türk Devrimi’ne Ingiltere’nin Yaklasimi

The British Approach towards 1908 Young Turk Revolution 

Bayram Soy

Jön Türk Devrimi ve Almanya

The Young Turk Revolution and Germany

Fahri Türk


Oturum/Session 105

1908 VE HUKUK: Yavuz Sabuncu Anisina (1948–2007) / 1908 and Law: In Memory of Yavuz Sabuncu (1948–2007)

Osmanli Devletinde Uyrukluk (Tabiiyet)

Subjecthood in the Ottoman State

Rona Aybay

Osmanli Hukuk Reformunda Bir Öncü: Kont Leon Ostrorog

A Pioneer in Ottoman Law: Count Leon Ostrorog 

Mehmet Emin Elmaci

1908 Devrimi'ni Izleyen Anayasa Degisiklikleri

The Constitutional Changes that Followed the 1908 Revolution

Cem Erogul

1909 Kanun-i Esasi Degisiklikleri ve Parlamenter Rejim

Parlamentarian Regime and the 1909 Constitutional Amendments

Ahmet Mumcu

15:30–16:00KAHVE ARASI / Coffee Break



Oturum/Session 106

DEVRIM VE KEMALIZM / Revolution and Kemalism

1908–1914 Jön Türk Devrimi’ne Yeniden Bakis

The Young Turk Revolution, 1908–1914, Revisited

Feroz Ahmad

1908 Devrimi’nden 1926’ya Atatürk ve Ittihatçilar

Atatürk and the Cadres of the Committe of Union and Progress from 1908 Revolution to 1926

Ergun Aybars

Jön Türk Devrimi: Kemalizmin anahtari

The Young Turk revolution as a key to Kemalism 

Sungur Savran

Ittihatçilar ve Kemalist Hareket: Devamlilik mi, Kopus mu?

The Committee of Union and Progress and the Kemalist Movement: Continuity or Rupture?

Taner Timur


Oturum/Session 107

TASRADA 1908-I / 1908 in the Peripheries I

II. Mesrutiyet’in Yerel Düzlemde Yansimalarina Bir Örnek: Bursa

Local Reflections of the Second Constitution: Bursa

Mine Akkus

Mesrutiyet Ankara'sinda Bir Yangin

A Fire in Ankara in the Constitutional Period

Ali Birinci

Jön Türk Devrimi’nin Anadolu Dinamikleri: 1906–1908 Erzurum Olaylarina Analitik bir Bakis

The Anatolian Dynamics of The Young Turk Revolution: An Analytical Look at the 1906–1908 Erzurum Events

Bekir Parlak ve Cantürk Caner

Ayntab’da Ittihad Terakki Cemiyeti’nin Kurulmasi ve Antep'e Etkisi

The Establishment of the Aintab  Branch of the Committee of Union and Progress and its Impacts on the City

Celal Pekdogan


Oturum/Session 108

MODERNLESME: Ulus Baker (1960–2007) Anisina / Modernisation: In Memory of Ulus Baker (1960–2007)

Sati' Bey ve Gabriel de Tarde Sosyolojisinin Sonu

Sati' Bey and the End of de Tarde Sociology

Sarp Balci

Ittihat ve Terakki ve Toplum Mühendisligi Üzerine

Social Engineering and the Committee of Union and Progress

Özer Ergenç

Toplumunu Arayan Devrim: Bir Devrim Osmanli Tasralisina Nasil Anlatilir?

A Revolution in the Quest of its Society: How to Convey a Revolution to Ottoman Provincials?

Cevat Kara

Türkiye'de Güdümlü Modernlik: Jön Türklerden Kemalistlere

Governed Modernity in Turkey: from Young Turks to Kemalists 

Dong Zhenghua

29 Mayis 2008 Persembe/Thursday



Oturum/Session 201

1908 VE BASIN/ 1908 and Press

Hürriyetin Basmasi Kadar Basini da Ünlüdür!

Freedom and Press in the Constitutional Period

Uygur Kocabasoglu

II. Mesrutiyet’in Beyrut’taki Yankisi: Le Réveil Gazetesi

Echoes of the Second Constitutional Period in Beirut: Le Réveil Newspaper

Orhan Kologlu

1908 Devrimi’nin Açtigi Yolda Ittihat ve Terakki Cemiyeti ve Türkçülük (1910–1912): Yeni Hayat Hareketi

The Turkist Movement (1910–1912) Engendered by 1908 Revolution and the Committee of Union and Progress: The New Life Movement in Thessaloniki

Arda Odabasi

II. Mesrutiyet ve Islami Modernizm Düsüncesi: Sirat-i Müstakim ve Sebilürresad Mecmualari

Second Constitutional Period and Islamic Modernism: Sirat-i Müstakim and Sebilürresad Periodical

Selçuk Aksin Somel


Oturum/Session 202

BALKANLAR’DA 1908/ 1908 in the Balkans

Balkanlarin Devrime ve Devrim Sonrasi Siyasi Gelismelere Etkileri

The Role of the Balkan Region in the Formation of Political Events during and after the Revolution

Bilgin Çelik

1908 Devrimi ve Arnavut Halki: Otonomiden Tam Bagimsizliga

1908 and the Albanian People: From Autonomy to Full-Fledged Independence

F. Asli Kelkitli

1908’in Kökenleri: Bir Yeniden Degerlendirme

Origins of the Young Turk Revolution 1908: A Reassessment

Gül Tokay


Oturum/Session 203

TASRADA 1908-II/1908 in the Peripheries II

II. Mesrutiyet’in Ilaninin Kibris Türk Basinina Yansimalari (Temmuz 1908-Aralik 1908)

Repercussions of the Proclamation of the Second Constitutional Period in Turkish Cypriot Press (July 1908-December 1908)

Mehmet Demiryürek

Jön Türkler’in Idaresinde David Ben-Gurion’un Filistin Yahudi Politikasi

The Palestine Politics of David Ben-Gurion under the Young Turk Administration

Halil Erdemir

Fransiz Disisleri Bakanligi Belgeleri Isiginda I. Dünya Savasi Yaklasirken, Filistin Topraklarina Yahudi Ilgisi ve Kudüs’te Bir Üniversite Kurma Girisimleri

The Jewish Interest Toward Palestine Territory and the Attempts to Establish a University in Jerusalem on the Eve of World War I

Salih Tunç

12:30–13:30 ÖGLE ARASI/ Lunch



Oturum/Session 204

1908 Ve RUSYA/ 1908 and Russia

Rusya ve Avrupa: Moderniteye Iki Yol

Russia and Europe: Two Ways to Modernity

Alla G. Glinchikova

Basarisiz Emperyal Modernlesmeden Devrime: Rus Modeli ve Türk Örnek Olayi

From Failed Imperial Modernisation to Revolution: Russian Model and Turkish Case

Boris Kagarlitsky

Rusya ve Bogazlar 1908–1915

Russia and the Straits 1908–1915

Norman Stone

1905 Rus Devrimi’nin II. Mesutiyet’e Etkileri

Impacts of the 1905 Russian Revolution on the Second Constitutional Period

Erel Tellal


Oturum/Session 205

EGE’DE 1908/ 1908 In the Aegean Region

24 Temmuz 1908’e Izmir’den Bakis

A Glance at July 24th 1908 from Izmir

Zeki Arikan

Tasra’dan Mesrutiyet’e Bakis: II. Mesrutiyet ve Aydin Sancagi (1908–1918)

A Peripheral Gaze: Second Constitutional Period and the Sanjack of Aydin (1908–1918)

Günver Günes

II. Mesrutiyet’in Bunalimli Yillarinda Izmir’i Yönetmek

Ruling Izmir in the Eventful Years of the Second Constitutional Period

Sabri Sürgevil


Oturum/Session 206

DIN VE 1908/ Religion and 1908

1908 Çerçevesinde Dinin Siyasallasmasi ve Ulusallasmasi

The Politicisation and Nationalisation of Religion in the Framework of 1908

Sia Anagnostopoulou

Jön Türk Basininda Dinî Zeminde Muhalefet

Opposition on Religious Basis in the Young Turk Press

Muhittin Eliaçik

Jön Türk Devriminin Ardindan Din ve Siyaset

Religion and Politics in the aftermath of the Young Turk Revolution

François Georgeon

15:30–16:00 KAHVE ARASI/ Coffee Break



Oturum/Session 207

1908 VE KURUMLAR/ 1908 and Institutions I

1908 Parlamentosuna Göre Mesrutiyetin Ilkeleri ve Degerleri

The Principles and Values of Constitutional Era According to the 1908 Parliament

Hüseyin Aliyar Demirci

Birinciden Ikinciye: Mesrutiyetçilerin Siyasi Teorileri

From the First to the Second: Political Theories of the Constitutionalists

Cemil Koçak

Bitmeyen Senfoni: Devletin Küçültülmesi–1908 Sonbahari’ndan Tensikat Manzaralari

Neverending Symphony: The Scenes from the Efforts of Downsizing the State in the Autumn of 1908

Erkan Tural

I. ve II. Mesrutiyet: Bir Karsilastirma

The First and Second Constitutional Periods: A Comparative Approach

Serafettin Turan


Oturum/Session 208

1908 VE GAYRIMÜSLIMLER/ 1908 and Non-Muslims

Erzurum Ermeni Milletvekilleri Vartkes Serengülyan ve Karakin Pastirmaciyan’in Mebusan Meclisi’ndeki Faaliyetleri (1908–1918)

The Activities of the Armenian MP’s for Erzurum, Vartkes Serengülyan and Karakin Pastirmaciyan in the Ottoman Parliament (1908–1918)

Dilsen Ince Erdogan

Bürokrasi ve Burjuvazi arasinda Gayrimüslim Deneyimi: Izmir Rum-Ortodokslari

The non-Muslim experience between Bureaucracy and Bourgeoisie: The case of the Greek-Orthodox in Izmir

Vangelis Kechriotis

II. Mesrutiyet Döneminde Azinliklarin Siyasi Temsili ve Ittihat ve Terakki

The Political Representation of Minorities during the Second Constitutional Period and the Union and Progress

Ahmet Mehmetefendioglu

1908 Olaylarindan Yüz Yil Sonra Rum Milletinin Rolü Nasil Degerlendirilir?

Interpreting the Role of the ‘Rum Millet’ Hundred Years after 1908

Herkül Millas


Oturum/Session 209

1908 VE ASYA/ 1908 and Asia

Iran Devrimi’nde Dinsel Söylem, 1906–1909

Religious Discourses in the Iranian Constitutional Revolution, 1906–1909

Janet Afary

1908 Devrimi ve Hint Müslümanlarina Etkisi

The 1908 Revolution and its Impact on Indian Muslims

Patit P. Mishra

Jön Türk Devriminin Hindistan Ulusal Hareketine Etkisi

Impact of Young Turk Revolution on the Nationalist Movement in India

Durgadas Mukhopadhyay

Jön Türk Devrimi’nin Türkistan’a Etkisi

Young Turk Revolution and Its Influence on Turkistan

Zumrad Rahmankulova

30 Mayis 2008 Cuma/Friday



Oturum/Session 301

1908 VE KURUMLAR-II/ 1908 and Institutions II

Mesrutiyette Istibdat Kadrolari: 1908 Devrimi’nin Bürokraside Tasfiye ve Ikame Kabiliyeti

Absolutist Cadres in a Constitutional Monarchy: The 1908 Revolution and its Capability of Elimination and Substitution in the Ottoman Bureaucracy

Abdülhamit Kirmizi

1908 Devrimi ve Mekteb-i Mülkiye

1908 Revolution and Mekteb-i Mülkiye

Süleyman Güngör

Yeni Kavramlar, Yapilar ve Siyaset: 1908 Seçim Süreci

New Concepts, Structures and Politics: The Electoral Process of 1908

Aykut Kansu

Türkiye’de Demokrasi Gelenegi: 1908 Seçimleri ve Meclis-i Mebusan’in Açilisi

Democratic Tradition in Turkey: The 1908 Elections and the Inauguration of Meclis-i Mebusan

Zafer Toprak


Oturum/Session 302

1908 VE TOPLUMSAL CINSIYET/ 1908 and Gender

Osmanli Imparatorlugu’nda Feminizm ve Burjuva Feminizmi Tartismalari

Feminisms in the Ottoman Empire

Elif Ekin Aksit

Jön Türklerin Toplumsal Cinsiyet ve Toplumsal Dönüsüm Araçlarini Sorgulamak ve bunun Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nde Çagdas Kadinlikta Önemi

Interrogating the Mediums of Gender and Social Transformations of the Young Turks and its Significance to the Contemporary Womanhood in the Turkish Republic

Ihediwa Nkemjika Chimee

II. Mesrutiyet Dönemi’nde Millet-i Müsallaha Fikri ve Ideal Erilligin Yaratilmasina Dogru: Osmanli Güç Dernekleri’nin Kurulmasi (1914)

The Idea of Levée en Masse and towards the Creation of an Ideal Masculinity during the Second Constitutional Period: The Establishment of the Ottoman Strength Societies (1914)

Yusuf Tolga Cora

1908 Devrimi ve Cumhuriyet Kadini

1908 Revolution and the Republican Women

Sule Perinçek


Oturum/Session 303

1908 VE ARAP DÜNYASI/ 1908 and the Arab World

1908 Devrimi’nin Osmanli’nin Arap Tebaasi Üzerindeki Etkisi

The Effect of the 1908 Revolution on Ottoman Arabs

Baris Doster

Jön Türk Devriminin 1908–1911 Döneminde Libya Entelejensiyasinin Seküler Egilimlerinin Belirginlesmesine Etkisi

The Role of the Young Turk Revolution in the Process of Crystallization of the Libyan Intelligentsia’s Secular Tendencies 1908–1911

Qassim Kh. Al-Jumaily

1908 Devrimine Iliskin Osmanli-Arap Algisi

Ottoman-Arab Perceptions of the 1908 Revolution

Malek Sharif

12:30–13:30 ÖGLE ARASI/ Lunch



Oturum/Session 304

1908, SOSYAL BILIMLER VE TARIH YAZIMI/ 1908, Social Sciences and Historiography

Osmanli-Türkiye Tarih Yaziciliginda 1908 Devrimi ve Burjuva Devrimi Sorunu

1908 Revolution in Ottoman-Turkish Historiography and the Question of Bourgeois Revolution

Ilker Cörüt

1908 Jön Türk Devrimi’nin Anlami Nedir? 2008’de Bir Elestirel Tarihsel Degerlendirme

What is the Meaning of the 1908 Young Turk Revolution? A Critical Historical Assessment in 2008

Fatma Müge Göçek

Son Dönem Yerli Sosyal Bilim Çalismalarinda 1908 Devriminin Tahlili

The Analysis of 1908 Revolution in National Social Science Studies in the Last Decades

Kurtulus Kayali

Sosyal Bilimlerde ve Tarihte 1908: Yorumlarin Soykütügü

1908 in Social Sciences and History:  A Genealogy of its Interpretation

Birgit Schaebler


Oturum/Session 305

1908’DE SIYASAL DÜSÜNCE/ Political Thought in 1908

Ittihatçilarin Iktisadi Düsünce ve Politikalarinda Alman Etkisi ve Ahmed Muhiddin

German Impact on the Economic Thought and Policies of Young Turks and Ahmed Muhiddin

Coskun Çakir

1908 Jön Türk Devrimi'nin Pozitivist Kökenleri

Positivist Origins of the Young Turk Revolution, 1908

Enes Kabakçi

Ahmed Riza ve Postkolonyal Baglam

Ahmed Riza and the Postcolonial Context

Ömer Turan

Türk Devriminin Düsün Yapisi Açisindan II. Mesrutiyet Dönemi 

The Second Constitutional Era from the Turkish Revolution's Structure of Thought Perspective

Ünsal Yavuz


Oturum/Session 306

ÇIN DEVRIMI/ Chinese Revolution

Devrimin Sonuçlari: 1911 Çin Cumhuriyeti’nde Bati Tarzi Demokratik Politikalarin Deneyim ve Sikintilari

Aftermaths of Revolution: Experiments and Setbacks of the Western-style Democratic Politics in Early Republic of China

Wang Chaoguang

1911 Cumhuriyetçi Çin Devriminin Tarihsel Mantigi

The Historical Logic of Chinese Republican Revolution of 1911

Fang Delin

Küresel Tarih Perspektifinden Çin Imparatorlugu’nun Çöküsü: Yeni Kavrayislar?

The Fall of the Qing Empire in a Global History Perspective: New Insigts?

Leonardus Douw

15:30–16:00 KAHVE ARASI/ Coffee Break

16:00–18:00 KAPANIS OTURUMU/ Closing Session


Oturum/Session 307



Advisory Board:

Korkut Boratav

François Georgeon

Klaus Kreiser

Taner Timur

The Organizing Committee

Sina Aksin

Faruk Alpkaya

Elif Ekin Aksit

Nazan Çiçek

Baris Ünlü

Sarp Balci



Conference coordinator:

Sina Akşin


Faculty of Political Sciences

Ankara University

